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SpecialEffect are finalists in Tech for Good awards

OCF grant recipient SpecialEffect have reached the finals of the BT-sponsored national Technology For Good Awards, in the accessibility section. SpecialEffect put fun and inclusion back into the lives of people with physical disabilities by helping them to play video games. In 2013 they received a £5,000 grant from OCF to purchase new games equipment.

Logo showing that OCF is endorsed to level QA 3 on the Charity Commission's Quality Assessment System

OCF’s high standards recognised by Charity Commission

Charity Commission has provided a new endorsement for OCF, as we have now successfully met the standards for the UKCF Quality Accreditation. The endorsement is the Charity Commission’s recognition of the quality accreditation procedure that provides the network of 48 community foundations across the UK with an external veracity and trustworthiness.