OCF launches Community Resilience Fund – we are now taking donations to our new fund! This will incorporate the National Emergencies Trust fund announced yesterday.
While we are waiting for details of the National Emergencies Trust funding, we are working hard on the planning for this fund.
In these unprecedented times, many charities and voluntary organisations are at risk, with little or no working capital and thus anticipating significant cashflow problems. Although they have never been more needed, some are being forced to lay off staff, or may even cease to exist. This is a time when their services have such potential to provide the essential contact and lifeline so needed by those who are most vulnerable and at risk in our communities.
We want this fund to unlock the power of community.
Local organisations are best placed to respond to the current crisis. Whilst many might be informal and run only by volunteers, others will have staff who could support and coordinate collective efforts more widely. The ‘might’ or power of these organisations rests with their combined resources, which could rapidly be mobilised to do further amazing things. We want them to feel reassured and empowered to switch from their usual activity, redeploying their energy and expertise to doing the things that will make the biggest difference now necessary.
OCF has the infrastructure, governance and networks to distribute funds raised effectively and ethically, which is why we are setting up this Oxfordshire Community Resilience Fund. It will allow us to act quickly and proactively to ensure the support, sustainability and development of community infrastructure, enabling charities to not only respond better but also recover stronger.
These are extraordinary times calling for extraordinary responses.
You can donate now through our online funding platform with charity checkout.