The Government is giving every household a £400 rebate on their energy bills from October 2022. If you don’t need your rebate, or if you can afford to contribute more, we urge you to #DonateTheRebate to our Cost of Living Fund.
OCF is partnering with Oxfordshire County Council to make an impact on local communities with our Cost of Living Fund. Local charitable organisations tell us demand for their vital services is already higher than ever before. Can you join us and give to our Cost of Living fund?
If you are fortunate enough not to need your energy rebate, or will receive an enhanced winter fuel payment this year, please do consider donating an equivalent amount to support those in need – or whatever you can afford.
“We’re in a position where those with the least are suffering the most… we need to address the basic human needs that are most at risk right now – food, shelter, money for bills.” Barton Community Church
Gift Aid, where applicable, could mean a donation of £400 is worth £500 – funds that will contribute to OCF’s grants round, which closed this week and has over £600k in applications from grassroots local charities and community groups.
Based on feedback from our consultation with the charitable sector in September, we will be funding a combination of emergency relief (food banks, debt advice, mental health support) and longer-term solutions (community hubs, mentoring, family support), in the form of grants to our dedicated and dynamic local charitable organisations.
“Funding towards staffing would enable us to open up the Community Centre more often and for other services to run during the day from the Centre. This could benefit local community, including more vulnerable people, by giving access to company, warmth, our Community Fridge and allow partnerships, with other organisations, to come in and support with advice, signposting, education, art activity and so on.” South Oxford Community Association
The funding will also include vital core costs for organisations providing bespoke or longer-term services or to communities with more complex needs, and full cost recovery for organisations offering enhanced services to the community at a reduced cost or for free.
So please, consider donating your £400 rebate, or whatever you can afford, to help us take speedy action to help people.
If you’d prefer to donate by cheque or bank transfer, there are details of how to do so here.