Case studies

Aldates Community Transformation (ACT)

ACT is a small charity in Oxford providing housing and support for people at the margins of society: homeless people, ex-offenders, and people struggling with mental health. Their outreach work centres on food, in particular weekly communal meals.

Aspire Oxfordshire

Aspire Oxfordshire is an employment charity and social enterprise, supporting vulnerable and marginalised people to address their unique housing and employment needs. They provide specialist long-term and person-centred support, guiding their beneficiaries to build upon their skills and self-confidence.

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Good Food Oxford (GFO)

Good Food Oxford supports the existing work of many organisations in and around the city working to make our food system more nourishing, less wasteful and more sustainable.

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Homeless Oxfordshire

Homeless Oxfordshire supports and guides people along a one-way journey out of homelessness, towards fulfilling futures.

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Nomad Youth and Community Project

Nomad Youth and Community Project works with children and families who are facing challenging situations in their lives. In particular, they strive to help people make better choices about their education, health, training, employment, finances, independence, recreation and relationships.


SOFEA’s mission is to enable the transformation of people’s lives, and their communities, with a major focus on young people. They enable people to fulfil their potential through work, wellbeing, study and purpose projects, providing the means of reducing the immediate effects of disadvantage by relieving food insecurity in the wider community.

The Gatehouse

The Gatehouse is a community drop-in centre offering free support services for adults who are homeless, vulnerably housed, on low income and looking for company and community. They offer a free cafe six times a week, therapeutic workshops and a one-to-one casework team.

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The Porch Steppin’ Stone

The Porch is a day centre that supports homeless and vulnerably housed single adults tackle the multiple problems that are preventing them from moving towards stable housing and sustainable work.

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Thrive offers activity clubs and mentoring for young people in two of Oxford’s most deprived areas – Blackbird Leys and Barton. Their clubs and activities are countering the effects of social exclusion.