Today is Giving Tuesday – the antidote to Black Friday and a global day celebrating the power of giving. We are marking this day by recognising the potential of philanthropy in Oxfordshire, and understanding what we can do to help communities thrive post-pandemic.
Local charitable organisations gave so much during the pandemic – doing whatever it took to support the most vulnerable. They are the beating heart of our local communities.
Support them by giving to our Community Resilience Fund >>
What can we give communities to help them thrive?
We asked our network how they adapted during the pandemic, what new ways of working have enhanced their services, and what they now need to sustain these improvements. We received 70 responses, and this is what they told us:
One respondent from Agnes Smith Advice Centre said: “We hope the Oxfordshire Community Foundation knows local organisations like us well enough to know that we are always striving to improve our services – we never stand still. It is core funding, rather than project funding, that is most effective in encouraging innovation. Core funding increases our organisational resilience and allows us the space and security we need to be innovative and forward thinking.”
Read the full report about post-pandemic needs in the local charity sector here >>
The report concludes that charities need investment in their resilience – to be equipped to keep on tackling these challenges, as well as reap the benefits of more efficient working they saw during the pandemic. We are therefore still seeking donations to our Community Resilience Fund so that we can continue to support Oxfordshire’s vital charitable sector.
Inequality persists in our county, but with sufficient resources, our local organisations can apply their knowledge and expertise to ensure communities thrive. On Giving Tuesday, will you give to support the brilliant work happening on your doorstep?