
The Didcot Powerhouse Fund launched its 2022 Impact Report at an event on 2nd February, sharing the positive outcomes of their grant-giving last year.  Chair Elizabeth Paris thanked OCF for their help in administering the fund and pulling the report together.

In 2022 the fund supported 17 community-led organisations with a total of £95,000 for projects supporting Didcot and the local villages. As a result, 1,567 individuals were helped and many more benefitted indirectly, under the theme of ‘Helping Children, Families and Young People as we emerge from the Pandemic’. 208 community volunteers were instrumental in the delivery of these grant-funded projects and 63 new volunteers have been trained thanks to Powerhouse funding.

The Abingdon Bridge project was one of the community organisations to receive funding. The project supported 211 young people and 12 parents through 10 workshops; over 200 counselling sessions; five parent workshops; 100 wellbeing packs; 76% reported they have reduced levels of self-harm; 89% feel better able to cope when things go wrong; 72% are enjoying and feel better motivated by their work or study.

Funding for GWP Babies and Toddlers to run through the summer holidays resulted in them engaging 90 under 5s in creative play, and 60 adults in conversation with like-minded parents and carers. One participant said: “I have post-natal depression so having a reason to leave the house was very helpful in the dark days. I did struggle a bit with interacting with the other babies when I didn’t want to interact with my own baby. It helped to have other mums to chat to. To know that other people struggled with feeding and sleeping. It made me feel less alone.”

Didcot Powerhouse Chair Elizabeth Paris said: “A year ago we set out to bring more businesses and communities together, and that partnership is the power behind The Didcot Powerhouse Fund. We bring together the sincere commitment of companies to local Corporate Social Responsibility, with the energy and strength of our local charities, to address some pressing issues of local need.

“So many successful companies in Didcot, Milton Park, Harwell and Culham are deeply committed to supporting the local community. However, sorting through funding requests, undertaking due diligence, and chasing up how the funds are spent is time consuming. Powerhouse donors know that with the local expertise of the Grants Panel, and the due diligence of Oxfordshire Community Foundation, their donations will have the maximum impact.”

OCF is proud to administer the fund and support the amazing work Didcot Powerhouse Fund are doing.  Our sincere thanks to all the donors and committee for their vision and commitment and grassroot groups for their vital work in the community.  The theme for 2023 is ‘Mental Health & Wellbeing in these Times of Hardship’, and the fund has just closed to expressions of interest.

You can read more inspiring stories from the other organisations awarded in the Didcot Powerhouse Fund 2022 impact report.