City Conversation sets priorities to tackle rough sleeping in Oxford
Today, on World Homeless Day, the City Conversation partnership has set out collaborative actions to address rough sleeping in Oxford.
Today, on World Homeless Day, the City Conversation partnership has set out collaborative actions to address rough sleeping in Oxford.
At a packed event at the Town Hall this week, local food network Good Food Oxford hosted a celebration of their Bronze Award, which recognises the charity’s work to promote healthy, sustainable and local food and to tackle some of today’s greatest social challenges.
Funding of £5,000 has been awarded as part of OCF’s first ever incremental grants round administered through online matching platform The Good Exchange.
The City Conversation is a coalition of people whose mission is “To ensure that nobody has to sleep rough on the streets of Oxford.” The steering group has now agreed a new partnership approach that will improve collaboration in working towards this goal.
Latest information published by the Office for National Statistics shows that the gap in life expectancy for men in different parts of Oxford city has increased by 11 years since 2007.
Small local charities across the Thames Valley have received almost £5 million from four community foundations following a record-breaking year.
Banbury needs you – to help ensure the town is doing the best it can for older people. A special launch event takes place next Wednesday, June 20, open to everybody interested in helping Banbury become one of Britain’s first age-friendly towns.
Oxford Early Years is a bold new initiative bringing together parents, professionals, educators, local representatives and funders to work together and take action to tackle lack of social mobility. OCF is a member of the action group known as the Lab Team.
The City Conversation on Rough Sleeping began with an event in November that brought together over 100 stakeholders to form a shared approach to combatting homelessness. Now a steering group and OCF project manager are taking the initiative forward.
OCF is at the heart of a new Banbury partnership that has received seed funding from the Placed Based Social Action programme, initiated by the Big Lottery Fund and Department of Digital, Culture Media and Sport (DCMS).