NewsAge Friendly Banbury Update

Age Friendly Banbury has been sending out regular updates, to all its partners and supporters, to keep everyone interested informed about local events, initiatives and news. The latest version of this update received a new look.

The update from the Age Friendly Banbury partnership is now planned to be sent in the first week of every month and to include regular partner news, links to other local newsletters, plus any other information shared. You can read this first edition of the new look update here.

Age Friendly Banbury is a partnership between local organisations with an interest in making Banbury an age-friendly town. It brings together older people, community leaders, local charities, businesses, and local councils. By offering a joined-up approach to social action specific to Banbury, it is hoped that older people will have more opportunities to flourish. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), by 2050 there will be more people over 60 than under 14 for the first time in human history. It is expected that the majority will live in urban areas, so the WHO is supporting age friendly initiatives in towns and cities across the world. In the UK, there are 44 age-friendly cities, towns, districts and counties working together to share learning and promote age-friendly practices.

Bee Myson, Age Friendly Banbury co-ordinator, who manages the content of the update said: “It has been my ambition for a while to give the update a more structured look to make the information we are sharing easier to navigate and more interesting to read. I am so pleased that, with the support of the marketing duo at OCF, I could make this happen. We are all trying to share resources and information across our networks and I hope this new format for the Age Friendly Partnership newsletter supports this. We want it to be as versatile as possible and simpler to share, all or part of it, with your contacts, print for notice boards, or link directly to it on partner websites.”

Any feedback on the content or format, and any suggestions for future editions can be sent directly to

Read more about Age Friendly Banbury and sign up for the update