Age Friendly Banbury and partners promoted a healthy start to 2022 with a pop-up stall in the market on Thursday January 20th. They encouraged older residents to start the year with new resolutions by sharing partner information on keeping well, active and engaged. They also asked visitors to the stall what is important to their health and wellbeing.
Age Friendly Banbury partners aim to make Banbury a great place to grow older. There are already some great groups and opportunities for older people in Banbury. They want to bring all local support and community groups together. In practice, age-friendly social action could include anything from befriending and activity clubs, to ‘men in sheds’ or community-owned pubs. By offering a joined-up approach to social action specific to Banbury, it is hoped that older people will have more opportunities to flourish.The pop-up stalls at the market are a way to get out in the fresh air and connect with residents, as well as allow the wider partners in Age Friendly Banbury to catch up and share ideas.
At the pop-up stall they welcomed lots of visitors, as well as 24 partners, including Age UK Oxfordshire Community Links, Tech Buddies, Social Prescribers and Get the Picture, Banbury CAG, Banbury Shed Health walks, Community Garden, MIND, Chaplaincy for Banbury, Dementia Oxfordshire, Move Together, and Cherwell District Council Communities team.
The date for the next Age Friendly Banbury pop-up is Thursday 24 March from 9am until 1pm.
You can sign up to the monthly Age Friendly Banbury update to find out what is happening with partners, in the wider Banbury community, and how to get involved in being a more age friendly organisation through the Age Friendly Banbury pledge.