The Community Capacity fund will open again in September/October for another round of applications, with funding awarded by December. Thanks to Oxfordshire County Council there will be £325,000 to distribute to grassroots organisations throughout Oxfordshire.
Grants will be made to support of the council’s vision “to support the people of Oxfordshire to live well in their community, remaining fit and healthy for as long as possible: to build community resilience and increase independence”, and will prioritise:
- Assets that support the wellbeing of the whole community to stay well, live independently, increases physical activity, reduces individual isolation and loneliness promoting emotional resilience
- Assets that address inequalities and improve quality of life
- Assets that act sooner to promote increased mental health, leisure and physical activities to address preventable conditions and reduce demand on services
- Assets that are aligned to the Oxfordshire Way and NHS social prescribing and are neighbourhood-led
- Assets that get the best from collective resources empowering people to forge their own networks and structures
- Assets that create self-sustaining enterprises targeted at diverse communities
- Assets that support redevelopment or use open green spaces to support the wellbeing of whole communities.
Further information and details on how to apply will be released in due course.
Find out more about our previous round of Community Capacity grants and the charities that have benefited from funding.