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Comms resources for grantees

Congratulations on receiving a grant from Oxfordshire Community Foundation (OCF)! We are delighted to support your work. The OCF Marketing Team is here to support you in promoting your grant and celebrating your achievements.

Publicly acknowledging the grant

Feel free to publicise the fact that you have received a grant from us. When talking about OCF please do make sure you use our full name: “Oxfordshire Community Foundation” (not Oxford, not Fund etc).

You might like to engage with us in some of the following ways:

Social media

Mentions on social media are very welcome. You can find us on:


If you’d like to do a press release, please do ask us for a quote. Our boilerplate is as follows:

About Oxfordshire Community Foundation

We improve lives and tackle inequality by investing in Oxfordshire’s dynamic charitable sector.

  • Oxfordshire Community Foundation (OCF) is a charity that builds thriving communities through effective philanthropy.
  • Our county’s wealth, success and beauty hide a number of serious and shocking social problems. Local philanthropists choose to work with OCF because we bring an in-depth understanding of these needs and priority issues, alongside trusted relationships with our network of grassroots delivery charities and community groups.
  • OCF distributes around £2 million in grants every year to charities across Oxfordshire that are working at the grassroots level to tackle the most pressing problems faced by its citizens, including homelessness, educational inequality, and loneliness and isolation.

If you would like tips on engaging with local media, have a look at this workshop we ran in collaboration with CAG Oxfordshire.

Your own publications

You are welcome to use information about OCF and/or our logo on your website or annual report. A png version of our logo can be downloaded at the bottom of this page, along with some logo guidelines.

We don’t need to see this before you publish.


We would love to see photos of your work in action, and use these on our website, social media, PR and impact reports. Ideally these would be of the project we funded, but if you have other representative images on file these are incredibly useful too.

Send the highest resolution you have and make sure you have permission from anyone appearing.

Impact reporting

Once the work we funded is complete, please do keep in touch so that we can jointly publicise its impact. You will also receive an email from our Grants Team asking you to complete an online monitoring form, and we may contact you about using the information for a case study.

Written case study

We publish case studies on our website here; if you think yours makes a particularly good story, please do get in touch.


We make video case studies of selected grantees – usually featuring an interview with the charity leader and the voice of their beneficiaries. This can be done by arrangement and we are happy to share the footage with you for you to use in your own communications. Have a look at previous videos here.


As an OCF grantee, we will keep you informed of future grant application opportunities at OCF and beyond.

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