Please join us at Marmalade, a week of discussions and events happening in Oxford from 5–9 April 2022. Marmalade is a platform for collaboration, focused on relationships, power and place.
OCF is involved in Marmalade’s ‘Sharing Power’ inquiry on Thursday 7th April from 10am to 3pm in Blackbird Leys.
We will be hosting a panel session that will explore how funding reaches charitable organisations, where power currently sits, and why and how it could be shifted. We will look at some new approaches to grant-making that give communities affected by the issues a bigger say in how funds are spent.
Speakers will include:
- Anne Davies (panel chair), Chair of OCF Grants Panel and OCF trustee
- Gemma Bull, former Director and Funding Strategy Director at The National Lottery, and author of Modern Grantmaking: A Guide for Funders Who Believe Better is Possible
- Cathy Stancer, Director at Lankelly Chase
- Natasha Summer, Community Outreach Coordinator at Oxford Hub and panellist for the Blackbird Leys Community Fund.
We are also looking for a fourth speaker from a local charity who can talk about the need for a new approach to grant-making – please contact us at if you are interested.
You may also like to attend Marmalade sessions looking at developing services that are responsive and effective to the needs of real people (‘Services for Humans’), and at creating impact evaluation that places learning at the heart of what we do (‘The Art of Meaningful Measurement’).